The Adafruit TRRS Trinkey is a versatile and cost-effective device, specifically tailored for Assistive Technology experts and enthusiasts. With its unique combination of a USB Key and TRRS breakout, this powerful tool offers flexibility and expandability, making it ideal for all types of hacking and creation projects.
The TRRS Trinkey utilizes 6 GPIO pins on the microcontroller to connect all 6 pins of the 'switched' TRRS jack - tip, ring 1, ring 2, sleeve, and the tip switch plus ring 1 switch. This allows us to not only detect when plugs are inserted, but also change the pin configurations for input, ground, or 3V power. By using a stereo/mic splitter, users can incorporate up to 3 simple switches, 2 analog potentiometers, or a combination of both. We especially appreciate the two through-hole contacts near the jack opening for a secure mechanical connection.
This product features a PCB that can connect to any USB A port on a computer or laptop. The board contains an ATSAMD21 microcontroller and essential circuitry for optimal performance. There is also a NeoPixel LED connected to one of the microcontroller pins. A reset button allows for easy entry into bootloader mode if needed. The microcontroller can be effortlessly programmed through the UF2 bootloader and CircuitPython, using a simple drag-and-drop method for uploading new code.
The SAMD21 can run CircuitPython or Arduino nicely. Over the USB connection, you can have serial, MIDI, or HID keyboard/mouse connectivity. Because its a fully programmable chip, it's possible to customize the keyboard or mouse commands executed on each button, or even set up chording patterns.
- ATSAMD21E18 32-bit Cortex M0 - 48 MHz 32-bit processor with 256KB Flash and 32 KB RAM
- Native USB supported by every OS - can be used in Arduino or CircuitPython as a USB serial console, MIDI, Keyboard/Mouse HID, and even a little disk drive for storing Python scripts. Can act like a keyboard to phones or tablets with a USB adapter cable.
- Can be used with Arduino IDE or CircuitPython
- TRRS Jack with two switches on tip and ring 1. All 6 contacts connect to analog-input capable GPIO pins
- One RGB NeoPixel LED
- STEMMA QT port with JST SH 4-pin compatible connector - can be used to add I2C devices, or two more inputs. Note CircuitPython may not have enough memory for large chip drivers.
- Reset switch to start your project code over or enter bootloader mode
- Open Source Hardware so you have full control over your assistive tech!
Technical Details
Product Dimensions: 42.0mm x 15.0mm x 6.5mm / 1.7" x 0.6" x 0.3"
Product Weight: 4.3g / 0.2oz